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How important is health insurance? Very important. It provides financial protection for you and your family. It provides coverage, security and peace of mind in situations predicted and unpredicted. Can you afford right now to be financially unprotected?
Health insurance comes primarily in these basic packages:
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) – A network of healthcare providers who have negotiated discount contracts with health insurance carriers. Although you may select your healthcare provider, there are generally financial incentives for you to select providers within your PPO network.
Health Savings Accounts (HSA) – And individual or family pays in contributions to their insurance carrier and those contributions earn interest, which may be tax-deferred or tax-free. Withdrawals for medical expenses are tax-free withdrawals.
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) - Health benefit programs where payment premiums are made for managed coverage for your checkups, hospital stays, doctors' visits, surgery, emergency care, preventive care, lab tests, and X-rays. A “Primary Care Physician” who will be responsible for coordinating your healthcare and making any referrals to specialists that you require. Your services are all through doctors, hospitals and clinics which are members of your HMO plan's network.
Health insurance plans also include:
- Childrens Coverage – You can obtain coverage for just your children. These plans are surprisingly affordable.
- Guarantee Issue – Insurance when you cannot get insurance.
- Short Term Plans –This allows you coverage for up to six months while you are between health insurance plans.
- Student Insurance Plans – Coverage for the student who is off to school.
- Medicare - Whether turning 65 or qualified through disability, this is a very complex coverage that has comprehensive coverage.
- Travel Insurance - Coverage while traveling into the US or outside the US.
And more broadly includes :
- Anciillary Products - a portfolio of plans that supplement your major medical such as Hospital plans, cancer plans, accident plans and critcal illness.
- Disability Coverage – provides a percentage of the beneficiary's earned income against the risk that disability will make working and therefore earning income impossible. The most common coverage plans are short-term disability benefits and long-term disability benefits
- Long Term Care – these plans cover those unable to perform the basic activities of daily living (ADLs) such as dressing, bathing, eating, toileting, continence, transferring (getting in and out of a bed or chair), and walking. Not only does it help cover out-of -pocket expenses but covers costs associated with home care, assisted living, adult daycare, respite care, hospice care, nursing home, and Alzheimer's facilities
Health insurance coverage comes with comprehensive and major medical, co-pays for office visits, various deductibles and varying out of pocket costs that add up to a total of out of pocket expenses. Your inpatient coverage, outpatient coverage and ambulance costs differ by company as well. This is why you need a professional who is familiar with each company, which plans make the most sense for your needs and can make the cost of insurance more affordable for you. We only represent Colorado’s major carriers who are A-rated.
And the news: